Monday, September 10, 2012

Vocab #5

Acumen- keen insight, shrewdness.
- She had remarkable acumen in business matters.
Adjudicate-to settle or determine judicially.
- The judge has some discretion in how to adjudicate the case.
Anachronism- something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronilogical time.
-The sword is an anachronism in modern warfare.
Apocryphal- of doubtful authorship or authenticity.
-The real the aprocryphal are beautifully interwoven.
Disparity- lack of similarity, inequality, difference.
-the was an obvious diparity in the early 1900's.
Dissimulate- to diguise or conceal under a false appearance, dissemble.
- The dissimulated their feelings about their feud.
Empirical-derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
- It seems logical to test his ideas by the same eperical standards.
Flamboyant- strikingly bold or brilliant, showy.
- The humble are often less successful than the flamboyant.
Fulsome- disgusting, sickening, repulsive.
- Most people find nose-picking fulsome.
Immolate- to sacrifice
- Some cultures immolarte their animals to the gods.
Imperceptible- very slight, gradual, subtle
- The slope of the road was imperceptible.
Lackey-a servile follower.
- In fear of embarrassment, he sent a lackey in his place.
Liaison- a person who initiates and maintains such a contact or connection.
- In would hace been absurd to question the open liaison.
Monolithicp- consisting of one piece, solid or unbroken.
- The stone column was monolithic.
Mot juste- the exact, approriate word.
- In some cases, curse words are a mot juste.
Nihilism- total rejection of stablished laws and institutions.
- Rebels base their rebilion on nihilism.
Patrician- a person of noble or high rank, aristocrat.
- Decoraters are known for theri room's partician good looks.
Propitiate- to make favorably inclined, appeased, conciliate.
- She propriated his decision to form a new club.
Sic- to attack
- When one tells their dog to attack someone they say, "Sic 'em!"
Sublimate- to make nobler or purer.
- They read about great men sublimates ambition.

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