Sunday, January 13, 2013


My plan for the spring semester is to stay focused on school. I know that it is very easy for seniors to get off track because our spring grades don't matter, but they really do. If they didn't matter then we would graduate in December rather than in June. This semester is a test to all of us to see how bad we want it... To see if we have the dedication and the diligence to keep our grades up despite the ever lingering "senior-it is."
Personally, I would like to focus on passing my AP tests. They mean a lot. They mean saving money on classes in college and graduating that much quicker. I need to buckle down and start studying now. I am planning on taking 5 AP tests in May. That is a huge work load. I am soon going to start to make a calendar of all the steps I need to take in order to study for all these tests. My first step is going to be NO PROCRASTINATION. It haunts every person on this planet and I need to find a way to beat it. (If anyone has any suggestions to help me out, I will gladly take them.)
Above all, I want to maintain my 4.0 or greater GPA. My goal at the beginning of my freshman year was to maintain a 4.0 GPA all throughout high school. I have 7/8 semesters down. I can't blow it on my final semester.
I hope that... no, I KNOW that I can achieve my goals. I just have to take it one step at a time.

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