Monday, December 10, 2012

End of the semester questions

  • Do you read your colleagues’ work online?  How often? What is it like to read their work? How does being able to see everyone’s work online at any given time change the way you do your work?
  • How has the publicly and always visible course blog made this course different from one without a blog?  How would the course change if the course blog disappeared tomorrow?
  • Has publishing your work for the public to see changed your approach to completing an assignment? How so?  How would your feelings about the course change if you couldn’t publish your work that way?
  • Has your experience of the physical classroom changed because of the open & online aspects?  Where does your learning actually happen?  
  • You were described in the Macarthur Foundation/DML  interview as “a pioneer”-- how do you describe the experience on the edge to people who haven’t been there (friends and family)?
  • How do they respond when you describe the brave new world in which you’re working?
  • What do their responses mean to you?  What effect(s) (if any) do they have on you?
    1. I read their work occasionally. It really shows insight on how they think. Being able to read others work shows me just how much competition there is out there. We have some very intelligent students in class.
    2. It has taught me to take more pride in my work because now everyone can see it, rather than just the teacher. The course would become a lot less demanding. No one would know what time you did your homework and no one would know if u did it at all.
    3. It has made me want to do it more because anyone can click on my blog now and see that I am missing that assignment. I wouldn't nessesarily feel the drive to finish my work completely and to the best of my ability.
    4. My classroom experience feels the same. I experienced a similar classroom setting my sophomore year, so it isn't really new to me. My learning actually happens in the classroom. I'm not really into all the Internet stuff that we are doing. I honestly would rather take notes off of lectures. I learn better that way.
    5. I would describe it as life changing. The world wide web is a crazy place full of a ton of information.
    6. I describe it as different and new. It isn't awful, but I wouldn't choose to live this way.
    7. Who's responses? The publics? My peer's? It is weird having my work critiqued by multiple people at multiple times, but it is kind of cool because it shows me that I'm not as good as I think I am and I can always try harder and improve more and more.

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