Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #3

Accolade: any award, honor, or laudatory notice: The play receivedaccolades from the press.
Acerbity: sourness, with roughness or astringency of taste.
Attrition:a reduction or decrease in numbers, size, or strength: Ourclub has had a high rate of attrition because so many member have moved away.
Bromide: a person who is platitudinous and boring. The history teacher is mudane and bromide.
Chauvinist :a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic, especially one devoted to military glory. The man who paints his body red white and blue is a chauvinist.
Chronic:constant; habitual; inveterate. I have a chronic hiccup.
Expound:to set forth or state in detail. I expounded my story to my peers.
Factionalism:of a faction or factions.
Immaculate:free from fault or flaw; free from errors. The house was so clean it looked immaculate.
Imprecation:the act of imprecating; cursing. Imprecation is forbidden in PG movies.
Ineluctable: incapable of being evaded; inescapable. The prison was ineluctable.
Mercurial:animated; lively; sprightly; quick-witted. The senior class was unusually mercurial in zero period.
Palliate:to relieve or lessen without curing; mitigate; alleviate.
Protocol: the customs and regulations dealing with diplomaticformality, precedence, and etiquette. The millitary protocol is to wear your uniform at all times.
Resplendent:shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid. When i washed my car is was resplendent.
Stigmatize:to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon. To disobey your elders in chinese tradition is to stigmatize your family.
Sub rosa: confidentially; secretly; privately. The couple dated sub rosa.
Vainglory:excessive elation or pride. The school body had great vainglory for their school.
Vestige: a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is nolonger present or in existence. A tombstone is a vestige.
Volition:the act of willing, choosing, or resolving. Coming to an agreement at the end of an arguement is a volition.

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